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Glass Doors

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Glass Doors

There’s nothing quite like sunlight streaming into your home’s living room, entry, or kitchen area on a warm day. It can be both energizing and uplifting, as well as a reminder of the beauty that lies just outside your home — and a full-glass entry door gives you the opportunity to enjoy all of this. With this style of entry door, sunlight and a gorgeous view can stream into your home without the possibility of wind or insects entering. In effect, glass doors give you many of the benefits of an open-air entrance without these deterrents.

However, even with these benefits there are a number of considerations to make before committing to a full-glass entry door. For starters, think about the level of privacy your neighborhood affords. Do you live on wooded acreage with few neighbors or in a highly populated subdivision or apartment complex? If you are in a highly populated area, a glass door may not offer you the level of privacy or security you desire. However, placing the door at the back or side entrance of your home may be an ideal solution — offering you the best of both worlds no matter your location.

Speaking of security, there is the concern that glass doors can be broken by possible intruders who are looking to gain access to your home. For this reason, you may want to consider double-paned glass rather than a single pane. This will not only provide you with a higher level of security because it can be harder to break, but the additional insulation will also help to keep heat or cool air inside your home — without which you may experience additional energy costs. This feature may prove to be especially important if you live in a particularly hot or cold climate.

One final consideration to make may be the number of wildlife in your area. If you live in an area with a large number of small animals, birds, and other creatures or if your landscaping is designed to attract such creatures, know that they may be prone to running into or trying to enter your home through an all-glass entrance.

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